

Decryption Utilities Unlock Files Encrypted by All ...

2016年6月10日 — Cisco released a decryption utility that unlocks files encrypted by all four versions of TeslaCrypt; Kaspersky Lab has also published a similar


2016年5月19日 — Master decryption key released for #TeslaCrypt #ransomware via @threatpost https://t.co/YTqlZeYZ6z.


TeslaCrypt was a ransomware trojan. It is now defunct, and its master key was released by the developers. TeslaCrypt. Technical name. Ransom:Win32/Tescrypt.

TeslaCrypt (Malware Family)

According to Kaspersky, detected in February 2015, the new ransomware Trojan gained immediate notoriety as a menace to computer gamers.


這個弱點在下一次的改進中被修正了,因此遭受2.0版TeslaCrypt攻擊的電腦無法利用此套工具進行解密。 在2015年11月,卡巴斯基實驗室的研究員已經在私底下獲得了2.0版本病毒 ...

TeslaCrypt 2.0 disguised as CryptoWall

2015年7月14日 — Kaspersky Lab recently discovered the latest version of the Trojan – TeslaCrypt 2.0. This version is different from previous ones in that it ...

TeslaCrypt 2.0 Ransomware Comes With Improved ...

2015年7月14日 — Researchers at Kaspersky Lab have uncovered version 2.0 of TeslaCrypt, a file-encrypting ransomware first spotted in February 2015.

TeslaCrypt Ransomware Attacks

TeslaCrypt will encrypt files and ask for ransom ($500). Amongst other types of target files, it tries to infect typical gaming files: game saves, user profiles ...

卡巴斯基實驗室報告:TeslaCrypt 勒索軟件目標鎖定遊戲檔案

2015年5月19日 — 勒索軟件是一種感染電腦後,對使用者檔案進行加密的惡意軟件。一旦檔案被完全加密,控制惡意軟件的網路攻擊者將向使用者索要贖金以獲取解密檔案的金鑰。